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Lowongan kerja Oktober PT HM Sampoerna Tbk

INDO JOBS-Salam hangat Sobat Pencari kerja. Info lowongan kerja terbaru bulan Oktober 2015 berikut mudah-mudahan bisa menjadi solusi pekerjaan yang sobat cari.

Info lowongan kerja terbaru untuk bulan september 2015 dari PT HM Sampoerna Tbk.

Profil Perusahaan.

PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (Sampoerna) merupakan salah satu produsen rokok terkemuka di Indonesia. Kami memproduksi sejumlah merek rokok kretek yang dikenal luas, seperti A Mild, Sampoerna Kretek, serta “Raja Kretek” yang legendaris Dji Sam Soe. Kami adalah afiliasi dari PT Philip Morris Indonesia (PMID) dan bagian dari Philip Morris International Inc. (PMI), perusahaan tembakau terkemuka di dunia.

Misi kami adalah untuk menawarkan pengalaman merokok terbaik kepada perokok dewasa di Indonesia. Hal ini kami lakukan dengan senantiasa mencari tahu preferensi perokok dewasa dan memberikan produk yang dapat memenuhi ekspektasi mereka. Kami bangga atas reputasi yang kami raih dalam hal kualitas dan inovasi, serta standar tata kelola perusahaan kami yang tinggi.

Info lowongan kerja PT HM Sampoerna Tbk.

Kabar gembira buat sobat sekalian, Dalam rangka memperluas jaringan perusahaan dan meningkat kinerja pemasaran dan pelayanan kepada konsumen, maka PT HM SampoernaMembuka lowongan kerja terbaru buat putra dan putri terbaik indonesia untuk bulan September ini dengan posisi sebagai berikut:


We are seeking talented people to join as Community Development Executive based in Jakarta or Surabaya Office.
YOU will be responsible to:  
  • Prepare data/information/issues gathered from local community and broader society that is in line with core CSR programs and provide an appropriate recommendation to the Line Manager about the feasibility of the programs, both from technically side and from socially side
  • Organize and communicate the program implementation to local community, who will be beneficiaries of the program, ensuring that programs reach the right community and resulting a positive impact to them
  • Responsible to maintain program archives and/or documents and equipped with standard documentation such as photo and video, as well as manages and maintain of an update and easily accessible documentation system through optimizing of Corporate Affairs intranet, and provide access to use by the internal communication & external communication
  • Develop communication linkage between company and others key stakeholder to ensure that corporate will understand more of the current and future need of community and stakeholders, meanwhile the community and stakeholders will understand on what benefit could generate from the corporate existence to the society
  • Actively and independently oversee and analyses the procedures and business processes of the Community Development programs in order to improve individual and organization performance productivity and continuously upgrade the competencies and knowledge through relevant planned training (internal and external) to fulfill current job performance requirements, future career aspirations and corporate needs

Qualifications for Community Development Executive
  • Bachelor Degree (S1) in Social Science, Communication, or relevant field study from reputable university
  • Having 2 – 3 years hands-on experience in community development management and/or external relations
  • Good negotiation skills, persuasive
  • Good presentation and communication skills
  • Fluent in English, both verbal and written
  • Strong PC skills (MS Excel, Word, Powerpoint)
Tata cara Melamar:
Jika sobat tertarik dan memenuhi persyaratan silahkan ajukan lamaran sobat ke laman online berikut:
Demikian info lowongan kerja ini semoga bermanfaat dan silahkan melamar ya sobat.

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